God does nothing without a reason, His intentions are visibly seen in His ART AND ACT, HIS DOINGS. God is not aimless or prey conscious like the devil who is always in search of victims to devour. God is intentional. His intentions are DIVINE i.e It is not natural, manly or human. The Divinity of God is expressed in the mystery of His creation from the beginning of the heavens and the earth. The phenomenal expression of Divinity in humanity- His image.
(a) Anything that is not human but God orchestrated is Divine. It means it’s beyond human ability and capability.
(b) To say a thing is DIVINE means that God is the source, not man.
(c) Divinity is programmed to intervene for humanity.
(d) Divinity is God’s agenda for humanity in displaying the supernaturality of God over nature and man.
(a) This is the RIGHTFUL intentions for a thing.
(b) Purpose is the ORIGINAL VISION, AMBITIONS, MINDSET, AND HEART CONFIGURATION towards realizing a thing.
(c) Purpose is the reason for a thing while Divinity offers us the strategies to accomplishing and actualizing it under God.
MARRIAGE: Marriage is the coming together of a male and female in God to become one under Him. Please note the components: Male (Man) and Female ( Woman), so any union that involves man and man, man and animal, woman and woman, etc is not seen to be marriage by God. The only marriage that will ever be acceptable by God is the marriage of a man and woman with God involved.
GOD IS THE INITIATOR And God said, ” it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him.”
Genesis 2:18 KJV
Then the Lord God said, ” it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” (The Living Translation)
“God said it’s not good for the man to be alone, I’ll make him a helper, a companion. ” (The Message Bible)
” Now the Lord said it is not good ( Sufficient, Satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet( suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.” Amplified Bible
From the above scriptures, we can deduce that God is the ORIGINATOR, INITIATOR, AND CONVENER of Marriage. Man is just an instrument, a vessel he uses in actualizing the marriage plan. I won’t be wrong to say that man is the RESOURCE but God is the SOURCE. Permit me to also say that the CREATED can not be greater, wiser, and more powerful than the CREATOR. The created or creature is LIMITED, has limitations but the CREATOR is LIMITLESS.
Since God is the ORIGINATOR and INITIATOR of Marriage, it therefore, means that what man needs to be EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE in the ministry of marriage is to know – have a cordial relationship with God so he can understand the purpose – His intentions and follow- His Divine strategies so as not to abuse its purpose.
Yes, you can find a wife, you can also prayerfully decide to raise godly seeds but without following the precepts of God, you may never achieve a successful marriage especially when the challenges that come with the MYSTERY OF LEAVING AND CLEAVING hits you.
Know it today that God is the SOURCE, you are HIS RESOURCE. Follow God’s MANUAL, His standard of operations if you must have a happy and fulfilled marriage.
For anything to succeed we must, first of all, understand from the manufacturer what he had in mind while making it . It is often said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. To know and understand a thing, you must study it well. In studying it, we must be made to know its importance, this will help and stir the passion to seek more. God’s Intentions, purposes, and reasons for marriage is for companionship and fellowship.
God TREASURES man to the extent that all he had in mind for man was to live life to the fullest. God saw the need to make a man feel His goodness hence, he said it is not good for man to be alone. As a matter of fact, the man had no idea he was alone. The man had no slightest intention of doing anything about his future because he knows nothing about the future, but while the man was just there merely existing and having a good time with the animals in the garden, God was planning ahead on his behalf. Man needs to understand the sacrifice God had made for his sake and make every effort to ALIGN with the PURPOSE of God for him in marriage.
In different translations, we saw that God described what his intentions for man in form of a wife are; A HELPER, HELP MEET, COMPANION, SUITABLE, ADAPTED AND COMPLEMENTARY. With these we can see that God meant well for man, his intentions were right. For a man to understand the depth of God’s love and intentions for him in marriage, he needs to maintain a cordial relationship with God who is the CREATOR, MAKER, and SOURCE of marriage.
” How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in who they have never heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”
Romans 10:14
It is our responsibility to know God personally and preach Jesus everywhere, anywhere and every other possible means. In doing this, men will get to know Him and establish a relationship with Him and this can translate to blissful marriages. I pray that the Lord will give us the grace to stand faithful to Jesus comes. God bless you.
Thanks for this graphic expression, the Lord bless you sir. I love this family of God.
Wow! This is powerful, insightful & impactful. May God bless the one through whom this revelation came in Jesus name.