“Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise…” Proverbs 6:6
We all aspire to be financially independent and comfortable! And in every regards that is not an ungodly desire or ambition! Money is essential! Finance is needed to undertake even ministerial endeavors! Even the Lord during His earthly ministry had a treasurer who kept and managed the finances of the ministry.
To be successful in anything, adequate knowledge is required to an extent! To be a successful Doctor, you need adequate knowledge and skills to be one.
To be successful Stewards regarding our finances, Believers tend to take for granted financial education and intelligence!
Such negligence makes sluggards of us pertaining to our finances! So, while we are giants and capable in other areas of our lives our negligence and ignorance have turned our financial life to sluggard status! A sluggard is synonymous to an unproductive entity.
And the cure to “sluggardism” is to go and get schooled by the ant.
The Bible says, go to the ant and consider her ways, in other words, learn from her and acquire the knowledge that is able to make you wise! And financial wisdom always translates to financial rewards and comfort.
When we look at scriptures, from the father of faith Abraham through Solomon we can see how blessed they were including their finances! What did they know that we don’t know? Is the blessing they enjoyed financially just meant for only them?
Well, the scripture we are considering was inspired by God and written by one of the wisest kings, Solomon! And he said, go to the ant and consider HER WAYS and BE WISE!
The secret of financial intelligence and wisdom for financial success is with the Ant! Our goal here, therefore, is to dissect the WAYS OF THE ANT and via that, we will position ourselves to acquire not just knowledge but wisdom that will translate into dividends financially and otherwise! Now, it is important to state that knowledge is one thing and wisdom is another! Wisdom is applied knowledge! The knowledge that is not applied only beautifies your mental faculty but knowledge applied beautifies your life!
Ants think about the future now. Do not underestimate the power of THOUGHTS! “As a man thinketh…” The change some of us desire in our finances begins with something as “insignificant ” as adjusting your thought process! The ant believes she is capable of influencing her future via her actions today.
The ant believes that she can affect the outcome of the future positively with her actions today.
Hence, the ant dictates the outcome of her winter from summer! Through the power of her thoughts backed with actions!
Change your thinking, change your life!
You can turn the tide of your finances in 2 years from now positively in your favor today, I mean NOW! How?
Acknowledge in your thinking that you have a PROMINENT role to play in your financial future by your actions today! It begins with your thought pattern! Are you thinking about financial independence? Are you thinking about how to make smart decisions about every dim that comes through your hands today?
Let your thinking translate to tangible ACTIONS! The ant is not just thinking about a jolly winter in the summer, the thought in her mind has consumed her whole being that her legs and hands are set into ACTION mode! Convert your thinking energy to action energy! Get moving, get seeking, get working, get making, and get saving! With the ant thinking about the future she desires she is motivated to seek the resources however little, with that motivation she begins to gather piece by piece no room for laziness! ACTION! You want your winter to be rosy and you are sitting down on the couch eating popcorn and watching Netflix, stay there and grow old!
The ant will go as far as it can seeking for the resources she needs for the future! ACTION!
Seek skills that will position you to influence your winter for bliss from the summer! Seek, go after opportunities, and lay hold of them!